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summary: These files contain 2016 digital Ortho-imagery of Nassau County, New York. Image pixel size is 0.5' GSD. Image type is 4-band, RGB & NIR. T Image horizontal accuracy is within 4' at the 95% confidence level (NSSDA). Each file contains an image coveri
tags: ["imagery;2016;orthos"]
snippet: These files contain 2016 digital Ortho-imagery of Nassau County, New York. Image pixel size is 0.5' GSD. Image type is 4-band, RGB & NIR. T Image horizontal accuracy is within 4' at the 95% confidence level (NSSDA). Each file contains an image coveri
type: Map Service
accessInformation: NYS Office of Information Technology Services, GIS Program Office
guid: 6D150DB9-E58F-4298-B338-2FEE1C463B68
title: Nassau_2016
thumbnail: thumbnail/{7B4F7AF9-2A0E-40DE-A40F-462B4B61D6AE}.png
extent: [[-73.7860607019334,40.5701374997429],[-73.4115913927338,40.9253104357925]]
description: These files contain 2016 digital Ortho-imagery of Nassau County, New York. Image pixel size is 0.5' GSD. Image type is 4-band, RGB & NIR. T Image horizontal accuracy is within 4' at the 95% confidence level (NSSDA). Each file contains an image covering 2000 ft. by 3000 ft. on the ground.
name: Nassau_2016
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
spatialReference: NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_New_York_Long_Isl_FIPS_3104_Ft_US
culture: en-US