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MinScale: 1.5E8
summary: This digital Ortho-imagery can serve a variety of purposes, from general planning to field reference for spatial analysis to a tool for revision of vector maps. It can also serve as a reference layer for GIS.
tags: ["Digital Ortho-imagery","New York","Nassau County","2013"]
snippet: This digital Ortho-imagery can serve a variety of purposes, from general planning to field reference for spatial analysis to a tool for revision of vector maps. It can also serve as a reference layer for GIS.
type: Image Service
accessInformation: NYS ITS GIS Progam Office
title: Nassau County Orthophotography 2013
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.JPEG

These files contain 2013 digital Ortho-imagery of Nassau County, New York. Image pixel size is 0.5' GSD. Image type is 4-band, RGB & NIR. T Image horizontal accuracy is within 4' at the 95% confidence level (NSSDA). Each file contains an image covering 2000 ft. by 3000 ft. on the ground.

name: Nassau_2013

Use of sensitive imagery, if granted, is only for the use specified in the request.

MaxScale: 5000.0
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_New_York_Long_Island_FIPS_3104_Feet
culture: en-US