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MinScale: 1.5E8
summary: This imagery was acquired by the NOAA Remote Sensing Division to support NOAA national security and emergency response requirements. This rapid response product was generated for use by emergency managers for visual analysis of damage in the area. It is not intended for mapping, charting or navigation. In addition, it will be used for ongoing research efforts for testing and developing standards for airborne digital imagery.
tags: ["Hurricane Sandy","emergency response","aerial photography","Aerial Photography","damage assessment","November 3","2012"]
snippet: This imagery was acquired by the NOAA Remote Sensing Division to support NOAA national security and emergency response requirements. This rapid response product was generated for use by emergency managers for visual analysis of damage in the area. It is not intended for mapping, charting or navigation. In addition, it will be used for ongoing research efforts for testing and developing standards for airborne digital imagery.
type: Image Service
title: Nassau County Orthophotography November 3, 2012
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.JPEG

The imagery posted on this site is of Hurricane Sandy. The aerial photography missions were conducted by the NOAA Remote Sensing Division. The images were acquired from a nominal altitude of 7,500 feet, using a Trimble Digital Sensor System (DSS).

name: Nassau_20121103

We request that you credit the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) when you use these photos in a report, publication, or presentation.

MaxScale: 5000.0
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_New_York_Long_Island_FIPS_3104_Feet
culture: en-US